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React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

REST API with Express and MongoDB

Creating a CRUD Rest Api example Express MongoDb:  Step1: Creating application folder and application structure.:  Step 2: Install required dependencies by using npm install < dependencies> --save command.  Step 3: create app folder structure compatible with MVC structure as shown below.  Package.json file should be like this:  "scripts": { "start": "nodemon app.js" },  "author": "",   "license": "ISC",   "dependencies": {              "express": "^4.17.1", "mongoose": "^6.0.11", "nodemon": "^2.0.13" } }  In app.js file write the code for the server:   const express = require('express');  const app = express();  const mongoose = require('mongoose');   app.use(express.json()); //  import routes const postRoute= require('./routes/posts');  app.use('/posts',postRoute);   //Routes // listening  mo...

MVC & Databases

This post presenting information on MVC and various databases. You can find information on RDBMS data bases, NoSql databases. What is ORM and the Sequelize ORM. Find information on MySql installation and MongoDB databases.

Every day Hands on Exercises / Assignments

Day wise hands on exercises/ assignments Day 1: HTML Hands on Exercises Date:04-10-2021 1.Create a web page to display your name, designation, location. 2. Create a web page to show about yourself in 3, 4 paragraphs. 3. Create a web page to display some nature images and Describe those images. 4.create a web page about college anniversary celebrations Divide your page in 4, 5 div elements . In the 1st div, put the heading of college , and display other details about the college. In the second div put images of the college. In third div put details of celebrations in paragraphs In the fourth div display the guest list. Use style attribute for doing color, background color, font etc, To emphasise some special content use elements like , 5. Create a web app on Indian cultural festivals. Use semantic elements for lay out of the page. Define an external style sheet and link with the page. Your app should have indexpage, cultural page, about us page. You should navigate amon...

Express.js Tutorial

Express is a fast, assertive, essential and moderate web framework of Node.js. You can assume express as a layer built on the top of the Node.js that helps manage a server and routes. It provides a robust set of features to develop web and mobile applications. It can be used to design single-page, multi-page and hybrid web applications. It allows to setup middlewares to respond to HTTP Requests. It defines a routing table which is used to perform different actions based on HTTP method and URL. It allows to dynamically render HTML Pages based on passing arguments to templates.

node.js tutorial

node.js is a open source server environment. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js is free,it is cross platform means runs on various platforms (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac). Node.js uses JavaScript on the server.