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REST API with Express and MongoDB

Creating a CRUD Rest Api example Express MongoDb:
 Step1: Creating application folder and application structure.:

 Step 2: Install required dependencies by using npm install < dependencies> --save command.
 Step 3: create app folder structure compatible with MVC structure as shown below.
 Package.json file should be like this:

 "scripts": { "start": "nodemon app.js" },
 "author": "", 
 "license": "ISC", 
 "dependencies": {
             "express": "^4.17.1", "mongoose": "^6.0.11", "nodemon": "^2.0.13" } }

 In app.js file write the code for the server: 

 const express = require('express'); 
const app = express(); 
const mongoose = require('mongoose'); 
 app.use(express.json()); // 
import routes const postRoute= require('./routes/posts'); 

 //Routes // listening 

mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/myowndb",() =>{ console.log("Connected to DB"); });


In models/post.js file code: 
const mongoose = require('mongoose'); 
 const PostSchema= mongoose.Schema({ title:{ type:String, required:true, },
 description:{ type:String, required:true }, date:{ type:Date, } });


 In routes/ posts.js file  code:

const express= require('express'); 
const router= express.Router();
 const Post= require('../models/post'); 
 // getting all posts router.get('/', async(req,res) =>{ try{ const posts = await Post.find(); res.json(posts);
 }catch (err){ res.json({message:err}); } });

 // getting a post by id

 router.get('/:postid', async(req,res) =>{ try{ const post = await Post.findById(req.params.postid); res.json(post); }catch(err){ res.json({message:err}); } })

 // creating a post'/',(req,res)=>{ const post =new Post({ title:req.body.title, description:req.body.description }); then(data =>{ res.json(data); }).catch (err=>{ res.json({message:err}); }) }); 

 // deleting a post

 router.delete('/:postid', async(req,res) =>{ try{ const removepost = await Post.deleteOne({_id: req.params.postid}); res.json(removepost); }catch(err){ res.json({message:err}); } } ); 

// updating a post by id

 router.patch('/:postid', async(req,res) =>{ try{ const editpost = await Post.updateOne({_id: req.params.postid}); res.json(editpost); }catch(err){ res.json({message:err}); } });

 module.exports= router;


  1. Thank you very much Charlie for your comments. I will always try to post some presentation on topics.


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