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Python - Introduction 2

python Introduction- 2 is second part of the presentation of Python programing language for beginners. In this the follwing topics are coverd. List, sets, dictionaries, functions, comprehensions, classes and objects, Inheritance.

Python - Introduction

 Python  is a dynamic programing language. It is very easy to learn and use. Python have been widely using in developing web applications, desktop applications, data science applications, Graphics applications. It is having dynamic data type and supports Object Oriented Programing concept.


Hello, In this tutorial you are going to learn about PL / SQL advance topics. Procedures, Functions, Cursors, Triggers and packages are the topics you will learn here. The following topics demonstrated for you here. How to define procedures functions and using or calling them? What is cursor and how to work with cursors? What is trigger and How they act while working with DML commands? What is package? Note: Plase give your views and suggestions in the COMMENTS section. It will help me to improve the content.


Hello, In this tutorial you are going to learn about PL / SQL programing. What is PL/ SQL? PL/ SQL architecture. How anonymous blocks of code can be written? You can also learn about  data types, declaration of variables, processing them in Begin - End section of code.  You can write decision making statements, loops, output function, doing calculations by arithmetic operators.  Learn about user defined types, Exception handling and 'Varray' array types. You can find detailed information of these topics in the following presentation. Note: After reading it please comment your views and suggestions in the comment section. It will help  to improve the content.

C # Tutorial, Methods

 Hello, Welcome to C# Tutorial. My name is Abdul Yesdani. Today we are going to learn about methods in C# programing language. Method is a bunch of code or statements which perform a single task. Here you can see the method example.     static void Hello(string name)         {             Console.WriteLine("Hello!" + name +"  Welcome to C#");             Console.WriteLine("Methods can have n number of statements");             Console.WriteLine("method will perform a single task");         } Methods can have parameters as shown in the above example, 'string name' is a parameter must be passed its value at the calling method in side the Main() method. Press Ctrl+ F5 to run the application. You will get the following output. In the above example you can see 'void'  keyword before method name. Means method return type is void , i.e., met...