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C # Tutorial, Methods

 Hello, Welcome to C# Tutorial. My name is Abdul Yesdani. Today we are going to learn about methods in C# programing language.

Method is a bunch of code or statements which perform a single task. Here you can see the method example.

    static void Hello(string name)


            Console.WriteLine("Hello!" + name +"  Welcome to C#");

            Console.WriteLine("Methods can have n number of statements");

            Console.WriteLine("method will perform a single task");


Methods can have parameters as shown in the above example, 'string name' is a parameter must be passed its value at the calling method in side the Main() method.

Press Ctrl+ F5 to run the application. You will get the following output.

In the above example you can see 'void'  keyword before method name. Means method return type is void , i.e., method returns nothing. We can return any type through a method, It can be an int type, double type, string type or any other type.

The following example is showing  Add2Numbers(int no1, int no2)  method which is returning a value.

Run the application by pressing Ctrl + F5 keys. You will get the following output.

Methods are basic building blocks in side a class in any application .

*Please help us to improve the tutorial by commenting in the comment section. 


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