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Learn C# in Easy Way, Step-4 :Type conversion with strings, numbers.

 Hi, Welcome to all. My name is Abdul Yesdani. Today I am going to teach you how to convert string to number and vice versa. Conversion is two types : Implicit type conversion and Explicit type conversion.

What is implicit type conversion in C#?

C# compiler automatically converts from one type to other type is called implicit conversion.

Example: int items =3;

                string person ="Kamat";

When we mix these two variables and print them see what we get.

         Console.WriteLine( name + "sold " + items + " Products);

 Output will be : Kamat sold 3 Products.

In the above statement  'items' is a numeric variable, which is automatically converted to string.

What is explicit conversion in C#?

We need to force convert from one type to other type. Observe the following statements. I want to add 7 to the items.

 Console.WriteLine( name + "sold " + items + 7+ " Products");

When we run it we get output : Kamat sold 37 Products. Here 7 concatenated to the string not added.

To add it we need to specifically tell the compiler like below.

 Console.WriteLine( name + "sold " +( items + 7)+ " Products");

Now you will get output : Kamat sold 10 Products, Here 3 and 7 get added.

To convert from one type to other in C# we use Convert class methods. To convert from string to int here we used Convert.ToInt32().


The below shown the output for the above code.

watch the video 


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